- barHeight
- bbarHeight
- bbarHidden
- buttonsHeight
- buttonsHidden
- cellHeaderHeight
- cellHeight
- cellStylingCls
- cellTrackOver
- cellWrapper
- clicksToEdit
- cls
- columnClickData
- columnLines
- autoWidth
- align
- autoHeight
- cellAlign
- cellTip
- cls
- columns
- disallowAfterDrop
- displayKey
- draggable
- editable
- ellipsis
- exportFn
- exportable
- flex
- format
- headerCheckBox
- headerClickSort
- headerCls
- headerCellTip
- headerLImageCls
- hidden
- id
- index
- itemCheckBox
- leftTpl
- leftWidth
- listItemTpl
- lockable
- locked
- maxWidth
- menu
- minEditorWidth
- minListWidth
- minWidth
- multiSelect
- precision
- render
- resizable
- rightLocked
- rowdrag
- searchable
- select
- selectable
- smartIndexFn
- sortable
- sorter
- sparkConfig
- spin
- step
- subSearch
- summary
- title
- titleEditable
- type
- valueKey
- values
- vtype
- width
- controllers
- columnTrackOver
- contextmenu
- defaults
- dirtyEnabled
- draggable
- droppable
- dropZone
- dropZoneFn
- doubleHorizontalScroll
- emptyText
- activate
- beforeedit
- beforeendedit
- cellclick
- celldblclick
- cellenter
- cellleave
- change
- changepage
- changepagesize
- columnclick
- columndblclick
- columndrag
- columnenter
- columnhide
- columnleave
- columnshow
- columnresize
- columntitlechange
- deactivate
- delay
- deselectrow
- dragrows
- dropitems
- endedit
- filter
- init
- insert
- headercellclick
- headercellenter
- headercellleave
- load
- lockcolumn
- remove
- rowclick
- rowdblclick
- rowenter
- rowleave
- select
- selectrow
- servererror
- set
- scope
- sort
- startedit
- unlockcolumn
- update
- exporter
- flexScrollSensitive
- height
- id
- infinite
- i18n
- autoSizeColumn
- autoSizeColumns
- cancel
- columns
- decimalSeparator
- dragText
- loadingText
- lock
- no
- paging
- loadMask
- minHeight
- minWidth
- modal
- multiSort
- multiSortLimit
- nativeScroller
- paging
- renderOuter
- renderTo
- resizable
- rowEdit
- rowLines
- searching
- selModel
- shadow
- singleExpand
- state
- startEditByTyping
- stateful
- stateId
- striped
- subTBar
- allowToggle
- action
- cls
- data
- disabled
- displayKey
- editable
- emptyText
- enableToggle
- events
- format
- handler
- hidden
- id
- imageCls
- inputHeight
- itemCheckBox
- leftTpl
- leftWidth
- max
- menu
- minListWidth
- multiSelect
- multiToggle
- paramsMenu
- paramsText
- pressed
- spin
- step
- subSearch
- text
- tip
- toggleGroup
- type
- valueKey
- vtype
- width
- subTBarHeight
- subTBarHidden
- subHeaderFilter
- subTitle
- summary
- tabScrollStep
- tbar
- action
- allowToggle
- cls
- data
- disabled
- displayKey
- editable
- emptyText
- enableToggle
- events
- format
- handler
- hidden
- id
- imageCls
- inputHeight
- itemCheckBox
- leftTpl
- leftWidth
- max
- menu
- min
- minListWidth
- multiSelect
- multiToggle
- paramsMenu
- paramsText
- pressed
- spin
- step
- subSearch
- text
- tip
- toggleGroup
- type
- valueKey
- vtype
- width
- tbarHeight
- tbarHidden
- textSelection
- theme
- title
- Columns
- Events
- activate
- beforeedit
- beforeendedit
- cellclick
- celldblclick
- cellenter
- cellleave
- change
- changepage
- changepagesize
- columnclick
- columndblclick
- columndrag
- columnenter
- columnhide
- columnleave
- columnshow
- columnresize
- columntitlechange
- contextmenu
- deactivate
- deselectrow
- dragrows
- dropitems
- endedit
- filter
- init
- insert
- headercellclick
- headercellenter
- headercellleave
- load
- lockcolumn
- remove
- rowclick
- rowdblclick
- rowenter
- rowleave
- select
- selectrow
- servererror
- set
- sort
- startedit
- statechange
- unlockcolumn
- update
- Methods
- add
- addChild
- addColumn
- addEvent
- addFilter
- addGroup
- autoSizeColumns
- clearData
- clearDirty
- clearFilter
- clearGroup
- clearSelection
- collapse
- collapseAll
- collapseGroup
- copy
- deSelectRow
- destroy
- disableSelection
- each
- editCell
- enableSelection
- expand
- expandAll
- expandGroup
- exportToCSV
- exportToExcel
- find
- findItem
- fire
- firstPage
- flashCell
- flashRow
- get
- getById
- getCell
- getChanges
- getColumn
- getColumnById
- getColumns
- getData
- getDataAsCSV
- getDataFiltered
- getDataView
- getFilter
- getHeaderCell
- getHeight
- getPage
- getPages
- getPageSize
- getRowById
- getSelection
- getSorter
- getSubTitle
- getTitle
- getTotal
- getViewTotal
- getWidth
- hide
- hideBar
- hideColumn
- hideLoadMask
- isDirty
- isLoading
- insert
- lastPage
- load
- lockColumn
- nextPage
- on
- once
- prevPage
- redo
- remove
- removeAll
- removeAt
- removeColumn
- removeRow
- removeRowById
- rightLockColumn
- save
- scroll
- scrollToRow
- search
- selectCell
- selectCellDown
- selectCellLeft
- selectCellRight
- selectCellUp
- selectColumn
- selectRow
- set
- setById
- setColumnComboData
- setColumns
- setColumnTitle
- setColumnWidth
- setData
- setHeight
- setPage
- setPageSize
- setParams
- setSelModel
- setSubTitle
- setTitle
- setTrackOver
- setUrl
- setWidth
- show
- showAt
- showBar
- showColumn
- showLoadMask
- sort
- stopEditor
- stopSelection
- toggleCollapse
- toggleExpand
- un
- undo
- undoAll
- unLockColumn
- update
- updateFilters
Text column type
columns: [{ ... },{ title: 'About', index: 'about', resizable: true, width: 140, type: 'text', render: function(o) { o.style = { 'font-size': '14px' }; return o; } },{ ...
StringColumn header cell align.
... columns: [{ type: 'image', title: 'Photo', index: 'src', width: 80, align: 'center' },{ ...
left autoHeight
BooleanSet row height according to cell content height.
It is used only for column typetext
.... columns: [{ type: 'text', title: 'Info', index: 'info', width: 80, autoHeight: true },{ ...
false cellAlign
StringColumn cell align.
... columns: [{ type: 'image', title: 'Photo', index: 'src', width: 80, cellAlign: 'center' },{ ...
left cellTip
MixedColumn cell tooltip.
... columns: [{ type: 'number', width: 75, align: 'center', cellAlign: 'center', cellTip: '{title} sold {value}<br> items on {day}' },{ ...
... columns: [{ type: 'number', width: 75, align: 'center', cellAlign: 'center', cellTip: function(o){ if(!o.value){ return false; } return o.value; } },{ ...
If cellTip is function that it should return cell tip text, if it returns false than tip will not be shown.false cls
StringColumn css className.
.photo img { width: 80px; margin-top: -5px; margin-left: -10px; } ... columns: [{ type: 'image', title: 'Photo', index: 'src', width: 80, cls: 'photo' },{ ...
BooleanEnable/disable column for menu.
columns: [{ title: 'Company', index: 'name', columnMenu: false, type: 'string', width: 200, }, { text: 'Stock Price', columns: [{ title: 'Price', index: 'price' }, { title: 'Change', index: 'change', render: renderChangesFn }, { title: '% Change', index: 'pctChange', render: renderChangesFn }] }, { title: 'Last Updated', index: 'lastChange', type: 'string', width: 97 }] ...
undefined draggable
BooleanAllows column to be dragged.
draggable: true,
false editable
BooleanEnable column editing.
{ type: 'string', width: 65, title: 'Name', index: 'name', editable: true }
false ellipsis
BooleanEnable ellipsis for overflowed text.
{ type: 'string', width: 65, ellipsis: true, title: 'About', index: 'about' }
false exportable
BooleanEnable ellipsis for overflowed text.
... columns: [{ type: 'string', title: 'Name', index: 'name', width: 80, exportFn: function(o){ o.value = o.data.name + ' ' + o.data.surname; return o; } },{ index: 'surname', exportable: false, title: 'Sur Name' },{ ...
false exportFn
FunctionHandler for getting custom export value.
... columns: [{ type: 'string', title: 'Name', index: 'name', width: 80, exportFn: function(o){ o.value = o.data.name + ' ' + o.data.surname; return o; } },{ index: 'surname', exportable: false, title: 'Sur Name' },{ ...
false flex
NumberAuto-calc column width by fitting available width.
If to set one column to
than column width will fit to available grid width.If to set one column to
and another to2
than available width will be divided on 3.columns: [{ index: 'company', title: 'Company' },{ index: 'name', title: 'Name', sortable: true },{ index: 'surname', title: 'Sur Name' },{ index: 'age', title: 'Age', type: 'number', width: 50 },{ index: 'education', title: 'Education', flex: 1 }]
BooleanIt is used only for columns that are sortable.
It prevents sorting by click on column header cell.
It is used for sorting outside of grid over grid API.{ index: 'company', type: 'string', title: 'Company', sortable: true, headerClickSort: false } ... grid.sort('company', 'asc');
undefined headerCls
StringIt is used only for checkbox column type.
Configure as true to display a checkbox below the header text.
Clicking the checkbox will check/uncheck all records.{ index: 'company', type: 'string', title: 'Company', headerCls: 'header-cell-company' }
undefined headerLImageCls
StringIn column header cell there is inactive left to title image.
If to set css class name than this image will become active..phone { display: inline-block; width: 19px; height: 16px; background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%20width%3D%2216%22%20height%3D%2216%22%20viewBox%3D%220%200%2016%2016%22%20style%3D%22shape-rendering%3AgeometricPrecision%22%20fill%3D%22%23555555%22%20%20opacity%3D%220.5%22%3E%3Cpath%20fill-rule%3D%22evenodd%22%20d%3D%22M6.2223%2C2.8573%20C6.4953%2C3.1303%206.4953%2C3.5723%206.2223%2C3.8453%20L5.2333%2C4.8333%20C4.9603%2C5.1063%205.0863%2C5.4653%205.2333%2C5.8213%20C5.5833%2C6.6653%206.3453%2C7.5103%207.4163%2C8.5813%20C8.6103%2C9.7763%209.3313%2C10.3323%2010.1753%2C10.7653%20C10.5193%2C10.9413%2010.8913%2C11.0383%2011.1633%2C10.7653%20L12.1523%2C9.7783%20C12.4253%2C9.5053%2012.8673%2C9.5053%2013.1403%2C9.7783%20L15.1173%2C11.7563%20C15.3903%2C12.0293%2015.3903%2C12.4713%2015.1173%2C12.7443%20L13.0653%2C14.7953%20C12.8233%2C15.0373%2012.4423%2C15.0683%2012.1643%2C14.8693%20C12.1643%2C14.8693%208.1363%2C13.6693%205.2333%2C10.7653%20C2.2063%2C7.7373%201.1303%2C3.8303%201.1303%2C3.8303%20C0.9313%2C3.5523%200.9633%2C3.1713%201.2043%2C2.9303%20L3.2573%2C0.8793%20C3.5303%2C0.6063%203.9723%2C0.6063%204.2453%2C0.8793%20L6.2223%2C2.8573%20Z%22%3E%3C%2Fpath%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E'); background-repeat: no-repeat; position: absolute; left: 2px; top: 7px; } ... },{ type: 'string', headerLImageCls: 'phone', cellAlign: 'right', sortable: false, title: 'Phone', index: 'phone' },{
undefined hidden
BooleanHide column on start.
{ index: 'married', resizable: true, type: 'checkbox', title: 'Married', width: 100, hidden: true }
false id
StringColumn id was added to solve cases when column does not have data index or data index is repeated on several columns.
If column id is not provided that it will be auto generated on base of column data index or random value.columns: [{ type: 'string', title: 'Name', index: 'name', id: 'name', width: 80, align: 'center' },{
Auto generation. index
String|NumberData index.
{ type: 'string', width: 65, title: 'Name', index: 'name', editable: true }
BooleanEnable/disable column locking.
locked: false,
true locked
BooleanLocking column.
{ type: 'string', width: 65, title: 'Name', index: 'name', locked: true }
False maxWidth
NumberThe maximum width of column.
maxWidth: 150,
MixedEnables column menu.
menu: true,
Example: Custom Default menu
menu: ['sort', '-', 'columns', '-', 'lock'],
Example: Custom menu
menu: ['columns', '-', { text: 'Hi', handler: function(){ alert('Hi'); } }],
Example: One menu with columns only
menu: 'columns',
false minWidth
NumberThe minimum width of column.
minWidth: 80,
FunctionColumn render function.
Before grid cell will be updated with it's value, function render runs if it exist. Function render is mainly used for some not standard styling or formatting of cell value..
render: function(o){ if(o.value < 0){ o.style = { color: '#E46B67' }; } else{ o.style = { color: '#65AE6E' }; } o.value = o.value + '%'; return o; }
BooleanEnable resizing of column.
resizable: true,
False rightLocked
BooleanLocking column to right side.
{ type: 'string', width: 65, title: 'Name', index: 'name', rightLocked: true }
False sortable
BooleanEnable column sorting.
sortable: true,
False sorter
FunctionEnable custom column sort.
}, { index: 'age', width: 60, title: 'Age', sorter: function(dir, a, b) { switch (dir) { case 'asc': if (a === '') { return -1; } return a - b; case 'desc': if (b === '') { return -1; } return b - a; } return; }, type: 'number' }, {
undefined title
StringColumn title.
{ type: 'string', width: 65, title: 'Name', index: 'name' }
'' titleEditable
StringEnables column title editing by double click on text.
{ type: 'string', width: 65, title: 'Name', titleEditable: true, index: 'name' }
false type
StringColumn type.
{ index: 'married', title: 'Married', type: 'checkbox' }
Numbercolumn width.
{ type: 'action', width: 65, items: [{ text: 'Delete', cls: 'action-column-remove', action: 'remove' }] }